A word of caution: there’s a lot of nonsense in the beginning of this book (I just started it) but hopefully some really good herbal information throughout.
a blog.
A word of caution: there’s a lot of nonsense in the beginning of this book (I just started it) but hopefully some really good herbal information throughout.
…that he cannot have too little to do with people who are too deep for him, and cannot be too careful of interference with matters he does not understand; that the plain rule, is to do nothing in the dark, to be a party to nothing underhanded or mysterious, and never to put his foot where he cannot see the ground.
This really isn’t something I’m reading, it’s more like something I’m doing. This book is basically a Pilates manual, actually it’s THE Pilates manual from the creator of Pilates. I’ve been wanting to learn and practice it the original way, so I’m working through this during 75 hard (not as my non-fiction book, but as exercise).
Started this book a while ago and didn’t finish it though I was enjoying it, picking it back up again.